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Tom W

Director of Research

I currently work as Director of Research at and a Venture Partner at Seedscout. I also write, edit and research for a number of startup and Fortune 500 executives, VCs, and fund managers. Prior to moving into Web3, I have worked as a Product Strategy Lead at Google and mentored teams at their Startup Accelerator Program. I also have experience as a founder, having co-founded Glyph Messaging.

As an advisor, I consult on growth, storytelling, and customer psychology for a number of different B2B and B2C startups. During our call, I can both review your pitch deck and help with introductions to relevant funds such as a16z, variant fund, and pace capital (and I can also help you write cold emails more efficiently).

One of my personal passions is charity: I serve as an advisor at the Tourette Association of America and have delivered a TED Talk on living with a neurological disorder; I have once donated 1,7 liters of my bone marrow to a stranger in Brazil. I am also passionate about storytelling: for example, I write a personal newsletter on books, psychology, and philosophy.

Midwest Regional Director, Notre Dame Young Alumni Board of Directors at University of Notre Dame
Jun 2018
March 1, 2019
Till present
Account strategist at Google
Aug 2017
January 1, 2019
Till present
Staff Writer/Editor at Google
Mar 2018
July 1, 2018
Till present
Associate Account Strategist at Google
Sep 2015
August 1, 2017
Till present
Co-Founder at Glyph Messaging
Jan 2015
October 1, 2015
Till present
Participating in events
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