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Jarrod B

Assistant Professor at New York University

I love to build products that people want to use. I’ve led products at small companies going from 0-1 all the way up to tens of millions of users. Now I’m the founder of Backdrop, where we’re building a professional community for builders in web3 en route to a community-owned protocol for work.

I have a lot of experience with writing, the system of science, and building and leveraging a personal network. I’m happy to advise companies on an ongoing basis via equity, or support on a one-off basis with product building, design, hiring and team building, or fundraising.

I can help startups with their fundraising review, in-depth product review — or meet with you for a general AMA.

Investment Partner at Dorm Room Fund
Jun 2020
May 1, 2021
Till present
Participating in events
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