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Gagan G

Product & Web 3 consultant, Ex-Coinbase

I am the Head of the Economics Department at the Lebanese University, with a Ph.D. in International Economics from INSEEC Paris-France. I am a senior economics lecturer with over 10 years of the professional academic experience at leading local and international academic institutions, mentoring around 10K+ students from various social and cultural backgrounds.

I am also a tokenomics expert, helping Web3 projects design token issuance to maximize network usage and growth. Plus, I am a senior researcher in the field of Web3, tokenomics, DeFi, NFTs, DAOs, and the metaverse. I joined NEAR University as a teacher in residence, introducing the concepts of blockchain economics to the audience with NEAR blockchain examples.

I am passionate about tokenomics, constantly reading, analyzing, and criticizing numerous whitepapers of ongoing and new blockchain projects. I live for two things: the design of sustainable tokenomic models and my fam 👪

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