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Fauve A

GTM&Marketing at Aave, NEAR, Ref Finance, Proximity


  • Hiked a 6K meters high peak. It showed me the power and weakness of the mind. It showed me compassion and patience and varying environments.
  • Diving and ice diving It showed me mental calmness and control. Fear mixed with adrenaline and awareness. It is all about breathing and a state of mind. You can do anything. Dove under ice, dove with dolphins and wales in the wild, had an octopus say hello to me.
  •  First Public Speaking Experience Under 6 months of joining the crypto space, I was invited to speak at a Blockchain event in Abu Dhabi and Paris. I was one of the few women of the time in crypto who were invite to speak on stage, this was early 2017.


  • People-Oriented Strong organizations are built by unlocking and enabling individual strengths.
Partnership and Community Director at State of the DApps
Jun 2017
December 31, 2020
Till present
Participating in events
2:00 am
Apr 14
Building a strong brand for investors — so that they come to you themselves